Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Back from Prague

After our first "official" week of school behind us, everyone was ready and excited for the weekend trip to Prague. The bus was VERY comfortable, so most people got to take a nice ... long nap on the way there. The scenery was breathtaking! Vineyards stretched for miles (or I guess I should say kilometers:) and sweet little villages were sprinkled along our route. After we arrived in Praha (Prague), Daniel (our guide) took us to the city square where we explored the animated city life. Since it was a Saturday, tourists from around the world crowded every corner and we spent a good 45 minutes (normally it would take 5 :) walking over the packed Charles Bridge where merchants, musicians, and artists offered their unique talents. The day was exhilirating AND exhausting! Several people found out how expensive the City Center can be, while others ventured slightly off the beaten path (if there is such a thing in Prague) and found great bargains on lunch and dinner. The hotel was a nice, restful place outside the city. The next day we enjoyed a guided tour by a local Czech woman who spent 3 hours with our group walking from the castle down into the city (giving us a unique glimpse into the history of Prague from the past into the present). We finished our adventure with a few hours of free time to have lunch and buy our friends and family souvineers (Prague has an exceptional selection). Finally, we began our journey "home" to Vienna, with an interesting break at the Medeival(ish) rest stop!

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